“Be The Media” Episode 3 Tonight at 8:00 PM with Special Guest Dottie Nelson….Down The Rabbit Hole We Go…


Tracy Diaz, Gigi Bowman & Jenny Lee LaVertu return tonight for the first episode of the New Year 2017!

Tonight on “Be The Media”, we will be discussing all things “conspiracy” or in other words….the REAL NEWS!  Join us at 8:00 PM with special guest Dottie Nelson

Down the Rabbit Hole We go…..


Live Show will begin at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. Click Here

On economic Liberty

by Mike Swatek, Liberty Candidates Committee Member



Austrian school economics illuminates how personal and economic liberty are intimately intertwined. Neither of these broad liberties can ultimately exist without the other. It’s wonderful to see the expanding awareness of the need to defend our personal liberties, through the Tea Party movement and growing media visibility, which has recently taken a giant leap forward with Freedom Watch on Fox Business every night at 7pm central and online.

Unfortunately, this awakening is less focused on the fundamentals of economic liberty, which is essential to preserve personal liberty. It should be as much of a personal civic duty to have a basic understanding of economics as it is to be familiar with the Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, Federalist Papers and Kentucky/Virginia Resolutions. Unfortunately, economics is widely perceived as overly complicated and/or discredited as a “dismal science”. However, this is only true of the economics promoted by the US government and Federal Reserve, quite possibly with the intention of keeping the masses confused and ignorant on this essential component of their overall liberty. Fortunately, there is an alternative school of thought that overcomes these hurdles, but today it’s only taught at a handful of US universities.

The only school of economic thought that has been consistently correct for the last century is the Austrian school, as Ron Paul has often shared. There are some excellent and enjoyable resources available to gain a working knowledge of the time-proven Austrian economic school of thought.

By far, the best first book is How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes, by Peter & Andrew Schiff. It’s a brilliant and entertaining short journey through the fundamentals of Austrian economics. Better yet, it’s written and illustrated in a way that is also engaging for younger readers. Don’t let the appearance fool you. This is an absolutely sound and wonderful first book on Austrian economics for everyone. Even with an existing knowledge of the topic, it’s still a very enjoyable book. We should all try to get as many people as possible to read this, so that wider awareness of how to preserve economic liberty will also help preserve personal liberty. Donate copies to local school/public libraries, and it makes a great personal gift.

Another book that covers much of the same material and more, with added detail, is The Case Against the Fed by Murray Rothbard. Don’t be fooled by the title. Rothbard starts with Austrian economic basics in the development of the case. If you would like to learn more after reading Schiffs’ book, this is an excellent second book. Or, if you’re a bit short on cash, you could start with this book which is available from the Ludwig von Mises Institute in free full text and free audio format (chapters listed in reverse order) with all the mp3 files more easily downloaded from an ftp directory HERE. Even if some of the early chapters are a review, the vast majority of people should learn a lot about their economic liberty from the entirety of the case. The proposal for how the USA could end the Fed and go back to a gold standard in the final chapters is also quite interesting.

The next recommended book is Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics by Henry Hazlitt. This is
still one of the most widely recommended and popular books on Austrian economics, first published in 1946. The lesson is indeed “one”, but the breadth and importance of its meaning needs quite a number of examples to fully understand, which is accomplished in chapters 2-23. This book provides a thorough understanding of the natural economics embodied in the Austrian school of thought. Amazingly, the lesson that Hazlitt shares was first published 1850 in the seminal publication “That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen” by Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850). Hazlitt’s more modern examples are essential for the fullest understanding of Bastiat’s work, which you may also enjoy reading along with his others* (see ps: below).

Ron Paul has long been the only person in the US Congress with knowledge of Austrian economics, which is a key ingredient in his must-read books, “ The Revolution: A Manifesto” and “ End The Fed“.

If you’re hooked on the topic by the above readings, you might also enjoy the following available free online at the Ludwig von Mises Institute:
Mises and Austrian Economics: A Personal View by Ron Paul (audio version)
Gold, Peace, and Prosperity by Ron Paul (audio version)
What Has Government Done to Our Money? by Murray N. Rothbard (audio version and its ftp directory) ;
The Theory of Money and Credit
by Ludwig von Mises;
History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II
by Murray N. Rothbard (audio version and its ftp directory)
plus many other free online Austrian school full text books and audio books

If you enjoy these free online opportunities to become educated about your interconnected economic and personal liberties, please Make a donation and become a Member of the Ludwig von Mises Institute

I sincerely hope this message helps some of you to take the plunge into learning much more about your essential economic liberties so that you can better defend them and, by doing so, more fully protect your personal liberties as well. If you find this message beneficial, please forward it to as many others as possible.

Yours in Liberty,

Important Economic/Financial News aggregator of much the government/mainstream media wants to hide/misrepresent – updated very frequently

*ps: If the works of Frédéric Bastiat (mentioned above) perk your taste for the roots of Austrian economics, you may enjoy the Ludwig von Mises Institute’s free publication of Richard Cantillon: Founder of Political Economy by Jonathan M. Finegold. This is an introduction to An Essay on Economic Theory by Richard Cantillon published sometime between 1730 and 1734, over 30-years before Adam Smith’s seriously flawed “Wealth of Nations”, which is widely and incorrectly believed to be the genesis of economics. There are a couple of interesting audios about Cantillon’s essay available: An Essay on Economic Theory: Interview With Mark Thornton by Jeffrey Tucker; and The Founding Father of Modern Economics: Richard Cantillon by Murray Rothbard (Chapter 12, Volume 1 – Before Adam Smith in his massive 2-volume Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought which is a fascinating read or listen Volume 1 [ftp] and Volume 2 [ftp])

Buy Silver, Crash JP Morgan


December 7-10th, 2010, we are asking EVERYBODY to buy at LEAST one (1) ounce of PHYSICAL Silver either online at a primary dealer or secondary market like eBay.com or offline at a local coin dealer or pawn shop. Do NOT buy any fraudulent silver certificates or speculative silver mining stocks.

Help crash the corrupt J.P. Morgan who has committed silver fraud and broken dozens of federal and state laws in manipulating precious metals while helping the Government prop up the over-valued and nearly worthless U.S. greenback currency.

Vote with your feet and buy as much Silver for yourself or loved ones on that day!

For more info on “Crash JP Morgan: BUY SILVER”


Event Posted at
We Are Change NYC

Save: Long Island http://www.savelongisland.org

Don’t know where to buy your silver? Try DelValley Silver and talk to Bob & Karen Emery! http://delvalleysilver.com/


The United States “Economic Civil War”

The United States “Economic Civil War”

Danny Panzella

Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont gave an impassioned speech on the floor of the Senate yesterday. Mr. Sanders railed on the top 12th of  the top 1% of the wealthy in the United States. Highlighting their oligarchical control of the congress, their use of taxpayer money in the form of subsidies, grants, special tax exemptions and bailouts to continue to force the middle class into poverty.

While I disagree with Mr. Sanders assertion that the “Bush tax cuts” should be repealed, and the Death tax should remain in place, I whole heartedly agree with his assessment of the economic situation.

The government already taxes far beyond its authority, the Bush tax cuts are an attempt to limit the amount the federal government can tax, does it benefit the wealthy more than the poor and middle class? Certainly. Should it be repealed allowing the Government to confiscate wealth that does not belong to it, skim off the top and then redistribute a pittance to the little guy? Certainly not. As far as the death tax goes, that money has already been taxed once, to tax it again upon death only serves to ensure people spend their money before they die leaving no wealth for the younger generations to improve their economic status.

So if Sanders is wrong on the solutions to the very real crisis we are in, what are the solutions? It all begins with a sound money system. We need to Audit the private corporation that controls our currency and monetary policy. This will expose the corruption of the Federal Reserve system which will convince the American people it is time to abolish the Fed.

With the currency and monetary policy back in the hands of the congress who is accountable to “we the people” we will start to see economic policy that benefits the people. The next step in this process is to repeal the 17th Amendment, putting the election of Senators back into the hands of the State Legislators. This will ensure that these Senators are loyal to the State, and NOT special interest groups or the Federal Government. With direct election by the people the Senate is loyal to the Federal Government because that is how they protect their own power. Campaign finance reform is the third crucial step towards true Constitutional Government. In a world where dollars translate into political speech; the top 12th of 1% that Mr. Sanders mentions have all the voice while they have reduced we the people to little more than a vote.  In the age where the main stream corporate media are the gate keepers to decide which Candidates are given opportunity to address the people. Keep in mind that top 12th of 1% OWN the 6 corporations that OWN ALL of the main stream media.

The tea party has been a very important part of this process of getting our country back on track, yet much of the tea party is being co-opted by fake neo-conservatives like Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich. I can hear the groans now as people dismiss Bernie Sanders speech because he is a socialist. We the people need to unite on our commonalities so we can defeat the real enemy, that 12th of 1% that rules the United States through corporate monopoly control and the media induced illusion of choice.

The left and right need to put aside their ideological differences and build a coalition on the common interest of self preservation, preservation of our natural or human and civil rights. The tea party & coffee party for the most part desire the same goal. To bring true change to the United States. Peace, equality, to stamp out hunger and empower the poor to be successful; for each successive generation to enjoy a greater standard of living than the previous. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness for ALL mankind. Let’s work together to counteract the main stream propaganda media, identify the real problem and eliminate it. Then the tea party and coffee party can argue over the solutions once we the people are in control of our country once again.

Assange; the Last Real Journalist?

by RJ Harris November 30, 2010


Re: the government’s finger pointing at the JOURNALIST which has uncovered its lies and tyrannies and is forcing it to account. DON’T BE FOOLED BY THIS NEWEST MISDIRECTION ATTEMPT! Keep your focus laser-sighted on the officials that have done things that require explanations NOT on the whistle blower that has thankfully made us aware of the illegal/unethical activities.



It is so easy to point one’s finger at a scapegoat and bray about the harm he is “causing” while the real wicked people scamper on with their tyranny and their vices unmolested. Will we all be fooled again? I say that if government officials don’t want to be forced to answer hard questions about their unethical behaviors then they should…STOP DOING ILLEGAL/UNETHICAL TYRANICAL CRAP THAT ENDS UP ON WIKILEAKS AND OBEY THE RULE OF LAW!



When will the press stand up and FIGHT for one of the last real journalist of our time? It seems that Assange, and a few others (AJ;), are the only journalists NOT on the government dole. They should all do as the founders intended them to do and close ranks around a brother that is TRYING to force our government(s) to be honest to us. Why is the freedom of the press in the very FIRST amendment? Because the founders KNEW that government conducted in secret is inherently corrupt. Oh, by the way, are we really supposed to believe that some LOWLEY PRIVATE, the lowest rank in the U.S. Military, is the sole source of all these leaks?! If you believe that crap I have some ocean-front property in Arizona to sell you:) From these claims about this soldier we can deduce one of two things…either our government is lying to us…AGAIN…or our intelligence departments are the most inept government entities in the history of the Republic. I’m not sure which is more damming.



Demand to have your government conduct its business in the OPEN for all eyes to see. Your Freedom and Liberty depend upon this for government conducted in secret has made slaves of us all.



RJ Harris

Constitutional Conservative

2010 Liberty Candidate





RJ Harris is a twenty-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer serving on his forth overseas deployment and currently stationed to  FOB Tarin Kowt for the Afghanistan Surge. RJ is also a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a third year law student (3L) at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. He is a Constitutional Conservative and a prominent leader in the nation-wide grassroots Liberty Candidate movement having run a vigorous campaign for Oklahoma’s 4th U.S. Congressional District against incumbent, (R). Tom Cole. RJ has appeared on Fox News’ Freedom Watch with Judge Andrew Napolitano, before numerous Tea Party candidate panels and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio/blogger talk programs across the country. RJ definitely plans to run for office again in the near future but must first complete his military commitment in Afghanistan.