One Disgruntled Woman vs. Hollywood

Dear Hollywood,

I’m writing this to you as one disgruntled Conservative woman but I know in my heart I speak for many.  There is something you need to know….desperately, before it’s too late….
We women, men and families, who are Conservative, Republican or Independent are human beings, and part of what we enjoyed doing with our lives after working all day, cleaning our homes, washing the clothes, making dinner, driving our kids to football games and dancing school, running corporations, owning businesses and building the roads… of the things we liked  to do was sit down and watch a good movie or get entertained by a funny or dramatic series.  We liked to put our feet up or lay on the couch or recline in our chairs and chill to a good flick whether it be funny or sad or enlightening…..  but not anymore.

We’re tired of you standing on your soap boxes and insulting us because we may think differently than you.  We’re tired of  you marching in parades and trying to push your agenda on us during awards shows that we used to enjoy to see your dresses and dates and watch in hopes you would win an award because we loved your scene stealing or you made us cry or laugh and added some joy to our days, weeks, years…
but not anymore.

Now we cringe when we see commercials for the next movie being promoted because we’d love to see it but feel like supporting you financially is going against our beliefs or that we become sad because you were our favorite actor, actress….but we saw you calling our President names and now we can’t forget this.

Going to the movies used to be an escape from our day to day lives.  Now you have become part of the news and we can no longer forget the things you have said and done…the things we might disagree with.  You have taken over social media with your opinions. You have taken over marches with your vile lectures. You have shown your ugly sides and you have turned off at least half, if not more, of your fan base.

You get to live this wonderful, full, rich, life with an amazing career. You get to dine at the finest restaurants, live in lavish homes and take vacations some of us can only dream of.  You get all of this because you chose to be an ‘entertainer’ and suddenly this is no longer good enough?  Now you not only want to entertain us and in return receive rich rewards you also want to tell us how much you hate us and lecture us because we love our country or our flag in ways you might disagree with?  We can’t even enjoy our Superbowl games anymore. They start off with wondering who will or won’t insult our American heritage before the game by desecrating our flag or poking fun at our anthems but we cringe at the half-time show wondering what grand insults will be on full display.


Well, we are part of the working class of Americans who used to spend our money to be entertained by YOU, but no more.  You will eventually find that we will instead take that money and go to dinners with our family and friends and buy nicer clothing for ourselves and our children.  We will stop visiting theaters and movie houses and turn off our TV’s.  Eventually it will all trickle down to you. I hope it’s all worth it.

I don’t adore you….not anymore…..  I’m done with you.

vector  retro tv set


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