The 2013 Liberty Inspiration Award

Liberty Inspiration Award 2013

liberty inspiration

The curious thing about this year’s Liberty Inspiration Award is that I could have easily renamed it “Hero to Zero Award” or the “Liberty has Died Award” because in many ways that is how things panned out for 2013.  Though I had the nomination period the same exact length of time as I did for the 2012 award, last year we received 540 Letters with a total of 175 separate nominations whereas this year there were 32 Letters nominating a total of 52 people.   What happened?  I yelled, I spammed, I nagged and I whined and still….  SO either people weren’t inspired by very many this year or people are just too busy to be inspired?

Another curiosity was that many of last year’s winners did not even receive a nomination like Stefan Molyneux, Antonio Buehler and John Bush.   So what perhaps does this mean for the future?  Are we too wrapped up in our own drama to give back to those who may have moved us this past year?  I have seen a lot of infighting like never before….perhaps we’re just too busy with the clash of ego’s to take a step back and thank those who led the way? Whatever it is, this year’s winner is ever-inspiring and from what I’ve heard –you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!
A Special thank you to all of those who took the time to participate.


We have listed all the honorable mentions in
alphabetical order and kept the top 5 nominees for the end. Everyone who
received a letter is a winner and everyone who took the time to write a letter was a
winner as well. In some cases the praise was anonymous and in some cases there
was no signature so we cannot publish who gave the praise.


 2013 Liberty Inspiration Awards:


Major Allen D. Acosta (RET)

Major Allen D. Acosta (RET) is a US Army combat veteran who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom (Philippines), and Operation New Dawn (Iraq). He is a recipient of the Combat Action Badge, Purple Heart, two Meritorious Service Medals, four Army Commendation Medals, Iraqi Service Medal with 2 campaign stars, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, and the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal. 

 Allen is a supporting member of the Washington State Libertarian Party and started the new chapter of South Sound Libertarian Party Chapter. He is a proud member of “A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments” (ABATE) of Washington and the Legislative Affairs Officer for the ABATE Olympia Chapter, tackling state identified issues affecting our rights. Allen also works with the Liberty Caucus Chapter of Lewis County in Washington. To consolidate and focus efforts, Allen set up a tri-fold meeting between the local Libertarians, the Tea Party, and Liberty Caucus to negotiate and focus political efforts to be more affective in passing legislation and galvanize respective members in the political process.

 Allen’s tireless work for liberty led to a critical role in the Washington State organization of 17 Oath Keepers chapters. His focus is mainly on making local communities stronger, supporting municipalities, and increasing citizen volunteerism and training. He supports the 2nd Amendment and responsible gun ownership by pairing training instructors with new and old gun owners in weapons familiarization, gun safety, gun safety in the home, maintenance, self-defense on the street, gun safety and children, and youth intro classes to pistols and rifles.

 As Allen was nearing the end of his military career, he co-founded the Libertarians Motorcycle Club (LMC), an independent, libertarian-minded, organization of male motorcycle enthusiasts dedicated to the preservation of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. LMC members are serious in their political activism through supporting rallies, protests, and relative state and federal legislation. Allen states the club’s goal is to bring awareness to US Citizens by “exposing the difference between true freedom and the illusion of freedom.” Information on the LMC can be found at  ~Randy Vanadisson, President of the Libertarians Motorcycle Club

Ben “Bad Quaker” Stone

As a Podcaster and Blogger promoting zero aggression, for doing what he can to spread libertarianism~Justin Ricci, Providence, RI

Doctor Ben Carson

His National Prayer Breakfast speech, in Obama’s face?!!  THESE are the words of a real leader – “One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all…” ~John Martin

Ben Swann

Ben Swann started his own website & covers stories providing a Libertarian perspective that isn’t being dictated to him via mainstream. Surely he could have a cushy job at Fox or another network but instead he went on his own & in doing so has not been shy about covering controversial topics. ~Anonymous

 Private Bradley Manning

There are a lot of people who have done a lot for the advancement of liberty, and a lot to inspire others to advance liberty. This year, I’d like to recognize two of them: Private Manning and Edward Snowden. Both are whistleblowers who have exposed great misdeeds by the American federal government. These two individuals have directly, or indirectly, inspired hundreds, if not thousands, of others to speak out against the wars, drone bombings, and indiscriminate wiretapping of the American Empire. Manning was “rewarded” with 35 years in military prison, while Snowden has become a fugitive seeking exile in Russia. We need to recognize these individuals for their service, and reward them with a Liberty Inspiration Award!~Darryl Perry, activist, author, poet and statesman

 Brian Hill

I am not much of one for doing this but this young man has taken my heart for his determination to rid the world of evil.  Now evil has taken him and is making his life hell.  His name in Brian Hill, he is a 23 year old autistic man with brittle diabetes.  He started USWGO an alternative news outlet. He also has a twitter, youtube, blog talk podcast and several other media outlets. He is just a shining example of how even those we usually cast aside can see what is going on.   He is currently in jail.  The rest of his story and why are below in the first link.  The second link I think shows just how dedicated he is to doing all he can to fight.  As a former psych nurse of 25 years, seeing someone triumph over the hurdle of autism like he has makes me happy.   However I am saddened by his current situation and arrest on what has to be government entrapment.  He seems so fearless and innocent in his pictures, I can only imagine how terrified he is.   Mail to the Jail  On Alex Jones ~Carolyn,

 Bryan Daughtry

He has been instrumental in keeping alive a grassroots network not only in the State of Maine but nationwide, ~Violet J. Willis

I would like to nominate Bryan Daugherty from Maine. He was a National Delegate, state committeeman and has continued to fight for the cause of liberty for countless years. He has attended the RNC meetings all across the country, authored the NSA resolution and the resolution to restore the power of the GOP Grassroots which passed in Maine and 8 other states.Bryan led a nationwide effort to repeal and replace Reince Priebus with Mark Willis by creating  He created and maintains which gives us a more secure place to talk and share ideas/events within the liberty movement. His heart is truly in the movement and making this country a better place for future generations. There are a lot of qualified individuals but I feel as though Bryan Daugherty deserves recognition for all that he’s done. ~Maria Hodge

 Chuck Suter

Chuck Suter, armed with a camera and tough questions for any candidate, Chuck has continued to demand transparency and accountability all the while advocating for liberty principles and causes. His videos and efforts have traveled far from his home state of North Carolina and he shows no signs of slowing down! Visit his website at ~ Bryan Daughtry

 Danny Bedwell

He is bold, courageous and stands up for his principles ~Jtiner

I’d like to take this opportunity to nominate Mr. Danny Bedwell, of Columbus, MS, for consideration of your 2013 Liberty Inspiration Award. Danny acts as a Contributing Columnist for my online business publication,, and does an outstanding job of providing pro-liberty editorials on a regular basis. In addition, his personal Facebook page has become a veritable treasure trove of libertarian information and pro-active viewpoints and discussions about the liberty movement. Danny knows no “sacred cow” in his critiques but is also a positive champion of laissez-faire freedom.I am honored to nominate him. ~Jack Criss, Publisher

Davi Barker

Davi Barker of M4L, Bitcoin not Bombs, Hoodie the Homeless and writer for the Daily Anarchist. The reason why I have selected Davi Barker is his work in the liberty movement. He has opened my eyes to the fact that Muslims can, too be pro liberty and the way I’ve seen it done was absolutely amazing this year. ~Bruce Daughtry Jr.

 David Pridgeon

The work that he has done in Maryland is amazing. He has helped bring together a group of activists that are passionate about changing the communities they live in.  He works tirelessly for long hours against long odds to change what is largely a socialist leaning state. Hopefully Dave’s integrity & compassion will be spread through the work he does with C4L as an activist trainer. ~Anonymous

 Dean Clifford, Free Man on the Land

Free Man on the Land, Dean Clifford – Walking his Talk, even at the risk of being arrested.  Currently he IS in jail in Manitoba, Canada.  He’s teaching folks how to get outta the de facto GOVT jurisdiction and getting back to natural law… ~John Martin

Minister Derrick Grayson – TMOT

I’ve nominated TMOT because he has inspired not just me but an entire nation. Between his fight for Ron Paul, his YouTube videos and his tenacity to jump in and run for United States Senate in Georgia is what we should all be doing. He has fought without reservation for the Liberty Movement and its candidates and I personally am grateful for having him in our lives. He keeps many of us motivated to continue to put one foot in front of the other! ~Barbie Dunn

Doreen Hendrickson

Wife of tax honesty patriot and author of “Cracking the Code: the Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America” Pete Hendrickson. Doreen has been under attack by the IRS since before her husband, Pete, went to jail for 3 years. I wrote about her trial here ( She could have simply signed the return the way the IRS demanded, but she refused over principle, even though she faced a year in prison. She narrowly escaped prison with a hung jury, but it remains to be seen if the IRS will be back for her. *NOTE: I find it ironic that the very thing that enslaves us the most – taxation – is the thing we are too afraid to stand up to. Not many patriots are willing to fight the beast. I understand why, but it is still ironic. I think tax honesty patriots are among the bravest. ~Sally O’Boyle

Gary Donoyan

A tireless helper of the Libertarian Party, and generous to a fault with his time.  He has helped with so many campaigns in the state, and one of these days will become the Nassau DA, and put a stop to the mass of corruption plaguing that county. ~Bob Schuon

Governor Gary Johnson

I’d like to nominate Governor Gary Johnson. After a great presidential run as a Libertarian Party candidate, Our American Initiative has developed as a liberty organization and Gary Johnson has remained their primary speaker and an honorary board member. He traveled throughout 2013, speaking at college campuses and other events nationwide spreading the liberty message. Gary has continued online video teleconferencing on Google + and Q & A on Reddit throughout 2013. He is still fighting for national debate access for third parties. Gary Johnson also showed how liberty crosses political parties in his speaking at the Stop Watching Us Rally in DC. ~Jennifer “Hap” Werther

Gene Farmer

A young man that knew his chances of winning election to office as the Suffolk County Treasurer were slim to none, and worked hard anyway, just to advance the cause of Liberty.  And the loss deterred him not at all; he is right back in there, trying again in District 3 for State office. ~Bob Schuon

Heather Georgiou

Young, Beautiful, Smart –she home schools her children and listening to her really made me want to just do it all over again –this time home schooling my kids. I think it takes guts to go against the system and she has done it!  She stands up for liberty in every way and doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks the walk.  She started a 2nd Amendment Sisters Chapter on Long Island and that’s a wonderful thing. She is vocal, smart on a wide variety of issues from Common Core Education to the 2nd Amendment. It’s women like this that can also inspire a nation –hopefully one of these days she’ll decide to join me as an activist running for office. This country needs more ladies like Heather Georgiou! ~Gigi Bowman, Activist, Candidates for NY State Senate, District 5

 Ian Freeman

Ian Freeman, co-hosts of Free Talk Live. Syndicated on 120+ radio stations nationwide, Edge and Freeman broadcast the ideas of liberty to tens of thousands of people 356 days a year. They’re smart and principled missionaries for the cause of liberty, and have probably converted more statists than we’ll ever know. ~Kari DePhillips

Irwin Schiff

His book was banned; he’s been in jail many times for his principles. He’s on his deathbed and he deserves every bit of recognition the liberty movement has to offer. He is a true patriot, willing to stand up and take the consequences for exposing the lying stealing IRS (and U.S. government). ~Sally O’Boyle

James Ogle

For having the courage to actually run for office as President of the United States of America with the Libertarian Party in 2012 ~Tony Jones,

 Professor James Tracy

Professor James Tracy – For his relentless leading role, shedding light on the sickest, cruelest Govt/Media cover-up since 9-11…  Sandy HOAX. ~John Martin

Jeffrey Tucker

I’d would like to nominate Jeffrey Tucker. From his writing for Ludwig von Mises Institute and Foundation for Economic Education to his speaking engagements for Students for Liberty, he is inspiring a new breed of young libertarians and anarcho-capitalists. His promotion of Bitcoin and Bitcoin’s accelerated performance in 2013 is certainly a huge success. Toward the end of 2013, he announced his development of a new online community in ~Jennifer “Hap” Werther

Judge Jim Gray

I have seen Judge Jim Gray speak numerous times and read his weekly column called, “The Functional Libertarian.” His has inspired and motivated me to continue my activism for the Libertarian Party. ~ C. Michael Pickens, Executive Director LPWA

Josie Wales

Josie Wales for her recent videos “a message to police” and “why good people should always be armed” ~Matt Neff

Julian Assange

Julian Assange /wikileaks for leaking the info on the TPP 

The TPP is a Trojan horse that seeks to usher in a backroom secret sweetheart deal for the global elite and President Barack Obama want the deal fast-tracked through Congress. That effort was dealt a serious blow on Wednesday, when WikiLeaks released the secret negotiated draft text for the entire Trans-Pacific Partnership Intellectual Property rights chapter. According to the WikiLeaks press release:

“The WikiLeaks release of the text comes ahead of the decisive TPP Chief Negotiators summit in Salt Lake City, Utah, on 19-24 November 2013. The chapter published by WikiLeaks is perhaps the most controversial chapter of the TPP due to its wide-ranging effects on medicines, publishers, internet services, civil liberties and biological patents.”

Remember NATFTA? Remember the concept of Corporate Personhood from the Citizens United case? The TPP combines all of the worst elements of NAFTA and Citizens United, shoots them up with steroids, sprinkles in a speedball and codifies these principles into a trade agreement that is in fact much more than a trade agreement.

To sum up what we do know already, based on previous leaks of the working text about how the TPP would eclipse the concept of corporate personhood, I’ll quote David Swanson of Roots Action, who writes that the TPP would make popular the phrase Corporate Nationhood:

“Many of us have heard of corporate personhood. Corporations have been given the Constitutional rights of persons by U.S. courts over the past 40 years, including the right to spend money on elections. By corporate nationhood I mean the bestowing of the rights of nations on corporations (…) Treaties, according to Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, are — together with the Constitution itself — the supreme law of the land. So U.S. laws would have to be made to comply with the TPP’s rules.”

How would U.S. laws be made to comply? Because, As Kevin Zeese and Margret Flowers write:

“In addition to requiring that laws conform to provisions within the TPP, corporations would be allowed to sue governments in the trade tribunal if laws interfere with their profits. Governments could not represent their interests before the tribunal or appeal adverse decisions. This would be a tremendous loss of sovereignty.” And who is on this tribunal? Three judges, appointed by the corporations.  ~Kim Lombardo Franzese

Julie Borowski

Youtube personality/Facebook Personality/Libertarian Extraordinaire, Julie is the most educational, entertaining Libertarian ever! Reaches the masses on a level they can understand, and does a damn fine job of it. I only need to nominate one. She takes the cake. ~Corky Kaericher,

 Julie Borowski taught me about libertarianism and she is hot as hell. ~ Matthew M. Harpham

 Justin Amash

Justin Amash – Yes, he is a Republican, but he is literally standing against his own party to fight for Liberty and libertarian issues.  And they are trying to primary him, because they want him out.  And the fact that he reports every vote to Facebook shows that he is one of the few Congressmen that understands his responsibilities to his constituents. ~Bob Schuon

Kate Baker

Activists often come and go – fighting the good fight and then giving up, getting burnt out, or moving on to others issues. This is not the case with Kate Baker. Improving education – whether that be home schooling, charter schools, or just generally improving the education of our kids has always been Kate’s cause…and her vision, perseverance and amazing amount of energy paid off.  I was proud to be one of the legislators in the NH House that cast a vote in 2012 allowing business tax credits to businesses who donated to educational scholarships for NH kids. Kate Baker deserves the credit as much if not more than anyone involved in this effort.  As a result of this new law that finally actually allowed some real school choice in NH, Kate worked to start the Network for Educational Opportunity – a a 501c3 nonprofit charity scholarship organization that builds a bridge for children from a school where they are struggling to a school where they can succeed.  Kate has actually gone from an education activist to an educations success story. She is truly an inspiration.~Hon. Tammy Simmons, Manchester NH

 Marcell Fontaine

He’s a strong voice for LGBT folks in the liberty movement. His words, actions, insights and debates have shed light on the fact that the left wing does in fact, not care about gay folks while they parrot such talking points. ~Bruce Daughtry, Jr.

 Mark Edge

Syndicated on 120+ radio stations nationwide, Edge and Freeman broadcast the ideas of liberty to tens of thousands of people 356 days a year. They’re smart and principled missionaries for the cause of liberty, and have probably converted more statists than we’ll ever know. ~Kari DePhillips

Mark Willis

Mark ran for RNC chair last winter in Maine~Violet J. Willis

Mark Willis, former RNC Maine National Committeeman pulled no punches with the RNC this past year. From outright challenging Reince Priebus for the Chairmanship, to his continued efforts to repeal and replace the illegitimate 2012 RNC Rule changes. Mark also successfully presented a Resolution to curtail DHS bullet acquistions which was adopted by the RNC and Congressional Republicans~Bryan Daughtry

Mike Church

 Mike has done more for the liberty movement than anyone I can think of. In 2010 he hosted an Article V symposium putting that issue on the map. He has introduced a lot of people to nullification and interposition through guests like Thomas Woods and Kevin Gutzman. He has written and produces docudramas that present factual history. He has introduced virtue back into the political discourse. He has been a constant advocate of the Liberty Movement and a small, limited republican form of government. ~Anonymous

Nathan Cox

Nathan Cox  for being an example of what “love they neighbor as yourself”/ follower of the golden rule looks like. ~Matt Neff

Nicole Revels

Nicole had a HUGE year in 2013 advocating liberty causes. Her biggest achievement (IMHO) was her Resolution urging  the RNC and Republican Congressman to Defund Obamacare. This was a huge victory for us as it was a complete bottom-up effort. Nicole Revels was able to get the resolution passed first at her local district level, then submitted it to committee members to bring before the RNC,. She attended the RNC meetings in Boston and saw the resolution through all the way. From the Resolution Committee where it passed unanimously to the General Session where it was officially adopted.  Furthermore, she was instrumental (once again) in bringing attention to the 2012 RNC Rules Debacle. Authoring a Resolution and supporting efforts on the ground at the RNC Winter and Spring meetings. One only has to take a glance at her body of work to discover she is one of the most dedicated and successful liberty activists in the United States. Visit her website at ~Bryan Daughtry

 Pat “PO Taxpayer” Ford

Is a Libertarian radio personality and blogger with The Coalition; found on AM radio, online, and podcast, he is doing what he can to spread libertariansm.~Justin Ricci, Providence, Rhode Island

For using new media to promote liberty. ~Tony Jones,

 Rand Paul

Rand Paul is a bad ass republican who should rule the universe. ~ Matthew M. Harpham

Robert Zubrin

For his work in unleashing the potential of human beings from the shadow of Malthusianism with his book Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists, and the Fatal Cult of Antihumanism. A crucial book that altered my own views much like Atlas Shrugged. Man won’t be free if he feels guilt for his own existence.  For his inspiration to reach for Mars in The Case for Mars and the video, The Mars Underground, with the potential that spacefaring has for creating the next frontier for freedom. ~ MAL,

Robby Wells

For having the courage as a small l libertarian he is running for P.O.T.U.S. as a Democrat in 2016 ~Tony Jones,

Robin Koerner

The founding of Blue-Republicans and his articles in Huffpost gives me hope that liberty can transcend party labels and infiltrate everywhere. ~C. Michael Pickens, Executive Director LPWA

 Ron Paul

Just like Thomas E. Woods, Ron Paul has now dedicated himself to the education of liberty with his book The School Revolution, the Ron Paul Channel, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, and the Ron Paul Curriculum.  This is his legacy, and it will serve as the basis for liberty in the coming years. ~John Licari,

Sam Canders

For the courage to run for MEGOP Chair ~Violet J. Willis

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz is a good republican that is almost as awesome as Rand Paul… bad ass filibuster.~ Matthew M. Harpham

Thomas E. Woods

This is a man who exudes liberty inside and out.  His work is all about educating people about real history, real economics, and other topics through a lens that is not filthy with propaganda.  To me, he is the face of liberty, post-Ron Paul. ~John M. Licari,

Tony Jones “Punk Rock Libertarian”

As RI’s Punk-Rock libertarian. Founder or RI Free Radio. On the air on AM 1320 WARL. Co-host The Coalition Talk Radio show. Blogger.  Host of the “Liberty Drinks” libertarian networking night in Rhode Island  He is doing what he can to spread libertarianism ~Justin Ricci, Providence, Rhode Island

Dr. Walter Block

Dr. Walter Block is both a national and our local New Orleans expert in Austrian Economics. At Loyola University in New Orleans, he is the Economics Department Head and has built the largest group of Austrian Economics Professors in one university. His writings and speeches are certainly influencing a new generation of libertarians. His department hosted an outstanding Students for Liberty Regional Conference at Loyola with 200 attendees. Dr. Walter Block has generously and freely spoken at Libertarian Party of Louisiana parish caucuses as new Parish Executive Committees (PECs) were developed across Louisiana. ~Jennifer “Hap” Werther

 Will Coley

Will Coley has opened my eyes to the fact that Muslims can, too be pro liberty and the way I’ve seen it done was absolutely amazing this year. ~Bruce Daughtry, Jr.

 Winners Circle


5Th Place

Charlotte Iserbyt

Because of her amazing and tireless efforts to awaken the masses about the deliberate dumbing down of education, for the amount of parents her books and videos are waking up right now due to the draconian implementation of the Common Core Curriculum. And after watching this wonderfully informative video: ~Kim Lombardo Franzese

Charlotte Iserbyt is probably the most inspiring person I have ever met. She has stood up for truth for longer than anyone in the liberty movement and continues to go strong at the age of 83. Many of the issues she has blown the whistle about for decades are finally coming to the forefront and it just proves that what people call “Conspiracy” eventually gets uncovered and the truth comes out. Thank you Charlotte for keeping your integrity all of these years while trying to expose the truth even when people weren’t listening. Well, people hear you now and you are the biggest force of energy I’ve ever encountered and you give me hope that fighting the good fight can be done well into our twilight years.  Thank you for all you have exposed and for all you have done. ~ Gigi Bowman,

 I would like to nominate Charlotte Iserbyt who hasn’t stopped speaking out for the past 30 years which shows true dedication ~Ken Bowman

4th Place

Edward Snowden

There are a lot of people who have done a lot for the advancement of liberty, and a lot to inspire others to advance liberty. This year, I’d like to recognize two of them: Private Manning and Edward Snowden. Both are whistleblowers who have exposed great misdeeds by the American federal government. These two individuals have directly, or indirectly, inspired hundreds, if not thousands, of others to speak out against the wars, drone bombings, and indiscriminate wiretapping of the American Empire. Manning was “rewarded” with 35 years in military prison, while Snowden has become a fugitive seeking exile in Russia. We need to recognize these individuals for their service, and reward them with a Liberty Inspiration Award! ~Darryl Perry, activist, author, poet and statesman

Edward Snowden, the man gave up everything to expose the violations of the 4th amendment that he saw. In exposing it he lost his job, his house, his girlfriend & had to seek asylum in Russia. How many people are willing to sacrifice that much to do the right thing? ~anonymous

I nominate and cast my vote for Snowden because he knew that he was risking his life and liberty with what he did. ~Adam Kokesh

3rd Place

Gigi Bowman

I’ve nominated Gigi because she has inspired so many. It’s easy to be a keyboard warrior but to actually get out there and run for office and kick ass…I absolutely adore her, admire her and love her tons! She inspirse me more than she may ever know, but I’m honored to call her my friend. ~Barbie Dunn

I nominate Gigi Bowman. She is an inspiration for caring and trying to spread the message of liberty. Her involvement in the organization of the Save Long Island forum is beyond an inspiration. ~John Scuteri

Because Gigi will bravely go forward when she sees something is amiss (even if she doesn’t know where the first step should be she will take any first step) and tries to correct the problem while not taking credit for herself nor trying to gain anything from it. ~Ken Bowman

Because she’s an inspiration to so many to get up off of their collective asses and DO SOMETHING, and one of the hardest working activists I know. I don’t know where she finds the time and energy for all that she does in the name of liberty, so if I’ve never said it -consider this my heartfelt thank you~Kim Lombardo Franzese

2nd Place

Tony Stiles

Through his high-profile regional Midwestern media presence, Tony has been successful in redefining how we view media in relation to an oftentimes biased mainstream media.  With his radio programs, promotion company and writings, he has provided a liberty-minded viewpoint that is too often passed over.  I first met Tony while I was serving as the Midwest Regional Director for the Gary Johnson/Jim Gray national campaign in 2012.  Tony hosted an Omaha-based regional radio program.  He was fair with his coverage, asked the tough questions necessary, but gave a voice to a liberty-minded team.  He became a regular fixture on our radio interviews.  Later in 2012, Tony was one of the few regional media personalities insistent on covering the third party candidate debate in Chicago, hosted by Free & Equal and moderated by Larry King.  Again, he gave fair treatment and a platform for hearing all viewpoints.His efforts continued, if not ramped up to support a voice of liberty and open dialog in 2013.  While maintaining his business ventures in Nebraska, he has branched out into the Chicago market, an area in obvious need of a consistent public personality speaking in favor of the broad ideals of liberty, but more importantly lending support to those fellow patriots running for office or working at a grassroots level.  It’s my pleasure to have worked with Tony Stiles and my honor to nominate him for your 2013 Liberty Inspiration Award. ~Dan Drexler, State Chairman, Libertarian Party of Indiana

Starting with his radio show in Omaha, and now since expanding to national syndication and TV presence, Tony has consistently used his medium to preach the message of liberty.  I’ve had the privilege of being on Tony’s show, and having him on mine (when I had one), and he is one of the best in business.  Tony’s no nonsense attitude and ability to argue on behalf of the liberty movement make him on of the most inspirational people I have ever met, and I feel he is more than deserving of this award.  ~Mathew A Erickson III

Tony Stiles has been a voice of reason and liberty.  He has not adhered to either the Republican or Democratic parties but has shown flaws in both of them, reflecting how the two parties have collectively ruined the country.  Mr. Stiles has also been on the side of liberty for all Americans.  Regardless of our race, religion, sexuality, ethnicity, his page has invited a broad group of people to discuss the idea of liberty and restoring it.  ~Othman Zia

I nominate Tony Stiles because he is not afraid to say what he thinks. He is not always right, but he is willing to say what he means. This takes a lot of courage. ~Grant Stanley, 

I would like to nominate Mr. Tony Stiles for the 2013 Liberty Inspiration Award. It has been said that Mr. Stiles is a “radical”, “over-the-top”, or “too much”. While this may be true to a certain extent, I believe that’s his whole point… To “wake-up America”. Or, to put this idea another way, I think that our Government is what has become “radical”, “over-the-top”, and “too much”… And a radio personality/media mogul such as Tony Stiles is exactly what’s needed to combat this “America” which has become bloated with special interests, corporate greed, and most important of all, a country whose once strong “middle class” has been reduced to near poverty. I heard of Mr. Stiles on Facebook; He was actually the person who turned me on to Mr. Gary Johnson who was running as a Libertarian Presidential candidate, back when Obama was running for his second term. It was because of Mr. Stiles that I voted for Gary Johnson. As a matter of fact… It was the first time I voted, ever, and although he obviously did not win the election, I found solace in my choice. I also think that it truly says something that this was, in fact my first time voting, because I finally did-so out of a genuine feeling of alarm, for my country. And like Mr. Stiles, I am simply NOT a believer in choosing “the lesser of two evils”; I genuinely found Mr. Gary Johnson to be a great choice, for various reasons. I like his views, his fighting spirit, and his honesty.  Beyond that, I also find myself akin to Mr. Stiles; I am indeed “inspired” by Tony in that he and I share the fact that we are both entrepreneurs. I am a small business owner/digital artist, so of course the topic of the economy is very important to me. More than that, I have not only called-in on Tony’s show, but I have spoken with him one-on-one on his personal line, and let me tell you… This man is extremely knowledgeable, and knows his American history to a T. I sincerely believe in Mr. Tony Stiles, but more than that… I genuinely feel as if he has true passion for what he does, and believes in HIMSELF 100% This country needs to listen to Mr. Stiles, and I believe that granting him this distinction is not only an excellent way for people to hear about him, but it is also a distinction that is well deserved. ~ Drew Henry, CEO/Owner of Wicked Studioz, Boston

1st Place

Adam Kokesh

He is Brave, Strong and Inspiring.  He lives by his principles and has enough ego to follow through with them.  He is also sweet, respectful and thoughtful.   These are all qualities I respect and admire.  Because of people like Adam we know that this fight is clearly challenging but that we can’t give up. ~Gigi Bowman

Adam had exercised his 2nd amendment rights, and was arrested for doing so.  He is a political prisoner, and a very important one, as our rights are being diminished every single day.~ John Licari

I’d like to nominate Adam Kokesh for the Liberty Inspiration awards for his activism. This is not limited to his videos and public appearances, but also the civil disobedience for which he is being sentenced. While many people have beliefs similar to his, very few have the drive to act on their beliefs as he does. ~Ford Fischer,  CNN iReport Contributor

Adam Kokesh for his willingness to put his own safety and freedom on the line in the fight for liberty. ~Matt Neff

I would like to nominate Adam Kokesh because I feel he has the guts … Right or wrong … To move forward ~Ken Bowman

“I nominate ADAM KOKESH for the Liberty Inspiration Award because of his ability to passionately reach out to a wide range of people; regardless of sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity or country of origin.  At 60-something, I was ready to retire from activism and hand the torch to the younger generation.  But, Adam inspired me to be more optimistic; to continue my efforts to inspire others to achieve self-ownership and to defeat tyranny.  Without optimism, hope for a better future dwindles.  Thank you, Adam!”          ~ Victoria (Tori) Higgs

Adam has been put to the test many times. This year, he was really hammered. He has kept his cool and head and his heart through it all. I miss his voice out there now but I’m sure we will hear it again. I am inspired by his willingness to take a stand – as crazy as some people thought it was – and bear the consequences with dignity. You and I would not have gone so quietly, lol. ~Sally O’Boyle


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