The Interview you won’t hear in the Mainstream Media on The Florida Shooting

On February 21st a man with the twitter handle, Johnny Bravo, posted a series of tweets that caused anyone who came across it to pause.  I came across it because of Tracy Beanz, alternative news journalist who time and time again has proven that she’s working harder than any journalist in the country.  She’s thorough, she’s awake and aware and she’s on the ball –following up with people like Johnny Bravo, also known as John Bouchell who has experience as a Vet, a school teacher, coach and administrator– she saw his tweets, which I, myself, retweeted after reading, and I said “If this guy doesn’t get an interview then journalism is dead”.  Tracy Beanz proved journalism is not dead it’s just not on TV.

The tweets that propelled this interview:





My name is John Bouchell and I am not a bot. I was in school administration after spending a stint in the military. Let me explain: As usual, I was a teacher, a coach and later became an administrator. I worked at all three levels of public school in administration.

Like most athletic males I was assigned as a part of a school security team- at all three levels. Eventually, I was trained by the Department of Homeland Security, Several sheriff’s departments, and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, GBI. Prior, I was trained the military.

I was a Combat Crew member and a certified marksman with both rifles and pistols (M-16, and .40 Cal Colt) with an Oak Leaf Cluster (Multiple awards). I was a likely person to help with school security and had an extensive background in technology and video surveillance as well.

I held an SCI security clearance which is the very highest we have in America. I say these things to help you to understand my background to weigh my opinion as to the events in Parkview Florida, (30 minutes from my home where I live, now retired from School administration).

As an administrator in charge of a large High School of 1,800 students and 140 employees, I held tabletop exercises and wrote publications & power points presentation, & helped with both multiple school & multi-jurisdiction school systems training as developer and presenter.

Never did I hear from, receive information from, or was contacted by, read any publications, or gathered statistics from the United States Secret Service. Not once- EVER. Yet, 3 weeks prior to the shooting in Florida, the USSS was not only at the school, they held training.

I have also, despite actually thwarting a school shooting by an armed predator at my school, causing both Code Red, total lockdown, 911calls and arrests and conviction of the potential shooter, saw, spoke with, or was interviewed or contacted by the FBI, or the USSS.

Its worthy to note the 911 response time was in excess of 20 minutes. In fact, I was only contacted by a few reporters. The incident was basically ignored and squashed in fear of damaging the political establishment, school board, school superintendent, .

NO REPORTERS EVER CONTACTED MY STUDENTS for interviews or opinions. I never spoke to a national law enforcement agent much less the USSS. So, to hear the FBI were the first-responders only beating CNN by minutes in a wealthy Florida area saturated with Law Enforcement shocked me.

Seeing the amazing amount of CNN coverage so well organized and all espousing one message and only one message is equally troubling. Seeing a student saying she actually walked with the shooter while evacuating and HEARD shots shocked me.

Seeing video of a student telling us she was told they would have a drill that day with actors deeply troubles me. Seeing the same young man over and over who visited CNN that day and whose father is an FBI agent troubles me.

Seeing and hearing the same narratives over and over that conflict with every aspect of training and experience I have is extremely unsettling. I saw video interviews of students claiming multiple shooters. This is troubling as well.

I realize that the shooter apparently pulled the fire alarm to create chaos and provide a richer target environment (that alarm would have sent a signal to its precise time and location by the way) and tossing smoke bombs in a stairwell to drive the victims to the shooter’s local

BUT: At least one interview I watched was a student saying her doorknob was rattled and she heard a voice say “Go try another door”. This needs exploration. I can sit here and tell you who I think failed miserably but it is fruitless. I’ll save that opinion for future reference.

In my utterly qualified, expert opinion, there are several troubling “Facts” being dispensed that I refuse to accept prima facia. Some of them are: Why was the shooter visited 39 times by local LE but never placed on a watch list and their right to a firearm flagged and denied.

Why was his extensive school discipline not compiled and presented to the school board for total expulsion from the schools? What was the FBI the first response when the school is so close to the PD and an officer with a radio was supposedly on campus?

How did CNN have so many “Kids” in place to echo their exact verbiage and focus on the actual weapon and not the shooter? Why isn’t the alleged USSS involvement in a public school being examined? Who is this reoccurring “Student” that has family in the FBI?

Why are the interviews that do NOT agree with the one shooter or the narrative that CNN is pushing being heard? Why aren’t the multiple videos available (With the floor plan I have seen I would have had approx 22 cameras in that building and had over 140 in my school) being seen?

I realize that some of the videos will be used for the trail of the shooter; however, it is in the interest of the public to see some of the unused footage that is available. Why was the USSS at a this school providing training 3 weeks prior?

And how was the weakest, sloppiest, and most often NOT on REAL location news company all over this son of the FBI agent with an amazing and uncanny ability to find a news camera in multiple sates in the last six months?

Did this infamous teenager actually graduate already? Has the USSS ever been to any other schools to supervise and provide training for an active shooter situation? How could the USSS possibly visit all 22,000 High Schools in the US? And how would they be chosen?

Who identified this shooter and how did L.E. track him to the retail store he was arrested at? Why has the entire CNN narrative to attack the second amendment when at least THREE government institutions (possibly FIVE if you count DFACS) failed miserably to help the mentally ill

Why has the school district decided to demolish this building (like they did Sandy Hook) if their narrative is true and correct? Why not allow the forensics to be published and explored completely? Make it the offices of school safety as a monument even- But I digress.

All in all my PROFESSIONAL opinion is this stinks to high heavens. Either we are surrounded by the most incompetent news people in the world, who don’t ask questions or give a damn about these murders, or they have NO concept of why this happened will happen again soon.

I for one am SICK TO DEATH of fake news outlets pretending this is about a rifle- its not. Its about a mentally ill person, totally abandoned and discarded and politically expediently ignored, by multiple agencies allowed to commit inhumane acts of terror due to incompetence. END

The Interview:

People like Tracy Beanz are willing to put in the work and the research to bring the truth to you.
Please follow her YouTube channel

Please follow her Twitter Page

Please follow this link to find out about her upcoming Transparency March on Washington

Blame Big Pharma NOT Guns

My daughter died at 15.  She walked out onto a roof and hung herself from a tree. No President came to visit. No marches or rallies were planned in her honor. No activism. No legislators calling out for change.  No apologies. No changes in how we handle mental health. Just a daughter, dead.

Why? Because it wasn’t about gun control, it was about Big Pharma handing out little blue pills to children under the guise of helping unformed brains.  Most SSRI medication was never even approved for children yet it is still prescribed.

But Big Pharma owns our legislators so they never get the blame.  Big Pharma owns Hollywood and the media–certainly you’ve noticed the barrage of medication commercials in any given hour, day or night– so they never get the blame…

Guns don’t kill. Big Pharma Kills.

Here are some important links to justify what I’ve said.  And don’t give me that  –well the NRA gives money to legislators etc– The NRA is standing up for education, the 2nd Amendment and Freedom FROM government!  Big Pharma is standing up for Profits and nothing more.

The Making of a Sociopathic Killer: A List of Risk Factors for School Shooters

Every mass shooting over last 20 years has one thing in common (and it isn’t guns)


Glaxo in $3 Billion Settlement

Pfizer Rep Claims Zoloft Touted for Failed Cheerleaders; Viagra for Women

Can a Video Save Your (or Your Child’s) Life? This One Could! SSRI Warning!

SSRI Stories.Org

Drug Awareness.Org

The Withdrawal I Experienced After Quitting Cymbalta Was Worse Than My Depression

John Oliver: How Big Pharma Makes Doctors Into Drug Pushers

Truth in Media: The Revolving Door Between the FDA and Big Pharma

Netherworld: The Tragic Consequences of Prescription Pills

Generation RX

An Important Documentary: Letters from Generation Rx


SSRI Drugs are Dangerous!

Michael Moore: Are SSRI Antidepressant drugs causing School Shootings? Prozac, Luvox Investigation

The Drugging Of Our Children (Full Length)

CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta (Neurologist) Weighs In On School Shootings & Antidepressants

Family Members Say Florida School Shooter Was On Antidepressants for Emotional Issues

Decades of Evidence that Antidepressants cause mass shootings

And the most important link – Find out how much money your legislator is taking from Big Pharma  (where even on this website they are pushing ads for you to look at the money being taken by legislators from the NRA but NOT A MENTION outside of doing your own research of the money being taken by legislators from Big Pharma).  Again, the NRA is about education and support of our Constitution (sort of like the left feels that Planned Parenthood –which is subsidized big-time by the government– is about education and freedom –if you want to compare the NRA to something).  Big Pharma is about PROFITS and they are drugging our children from cradle to grave.

Before you go out there and march against The Constitution –find out what’s really killing our children.  Remember, school shooting are really only as old as the pushing of pills on our children.  People ask why there were no school shootings until the last three decades –It’s because mental health did not include the drugging of our children like candy until the last three decades. Yet we still had the right to bear arms…people still had guns. Think about that.


artwork by Anthony Freda

Meme by TheFreeThoughtProject

One Disgruntled Woman vs. Hollywood

Dear Hollywood,

I’m writing this to you as one disgruntled Conservative woman but I know in my heart I speak for many.  There is something you need to know….desperately, before it’s too late….
We women, men and families, who are Conservative, Republican or Independent are human beings, and part of what we enjoyed doing with our lives after working all day, cleaning our homes, washing the clothes, making dinner, driving our kids to football games and dancing school, running corporations, owning businesses and building the roads… of the things we liked  to do was sit down and watch a good movie or get entertained by a funny or dramatic series.  We liked to put our feet up or lay on the couch or recline in our chairs and chill to a good flick whether it be funny or sad or enlightening…..  but not anymore.

We’re tired of you standing on your soap boxes and insulting us because we may think differently than you.  We’re tired of  you marching in parades and trying to push your agenda on us during awards shows that we used to enjoy to see your dresses and dates and watch in hopes you would win an award because we loved your scene stealing or you made us cry or laugh and added some joy to our days, weeks, years…
but not anymore.

Now we cringe when we see commercials for the next movie being promoted because we’d love to see it but feel like supporting you financially is going against our beliefs or that we become sad because you were our favorite actor, actress….but we saw you calling our President names and now we can’t forget this.

Going to the movies used to be an escape from our day to day lives.  Now you have become part of the news and we can no longer forget the things you have said and done…the things we might disagree with.  You have taken over social media with your opinions. You have taken over marches with your vile lectures. You have shown your ugly sides and you have turned off at least half, if not more, of your fan base.

You get to live this wonderful, full, rich, life with an amazing career. You get to dine at the finest restaurants, live in lavish homes and take vacations some of us can only dream of.  You get all of this because you chose to be an ‘entertainer’ and suddenly this is no longer good enough?  Now you not only want to entertain us and in return receive rich rewards you also want to tell us how much you hate us and lecture us because we love our country or our flag in ways you might disagree with?  We can’t even enjoy our Superbowl games anymore. They start off with wondering who will or won’t insult our American heritage before the game by desecrating our flag or poking fun at our anthems but we cringe at the half-time show wondering what grand insults will be on full display.


Well, we are part of the working class of Americans who used to spend our money to be entertained by YOU, but no more.  You will eventually find that we will instead take that money and go to dinners with our family and friends and buy nicer clothing for ourselves and our children.  We will stop visiting theaters and movie houses and turn off our TV’s.  Eventually it will all trickle down to you. I hope it’s all worth it.

I don’t adore you….not anymore…..  I’m done with you.

vector  retro tv set


In News We Trust

There are a few news agencies out there that I trust.  I’m just giving you the links because it’s time to stop trusting the media.  They have proven themselves to be in collusion with the globalist agenda.  Time to give credence to American journalist who love this country and give a damn enough to give up their time to finding out the truth (and don’t owe any allegiance to Big Pharma ).  Whether they are researching, giving news commentary or just giving opinion I trust the few listed to give me the truth.  Even a lot of alternative news these days is filled with lies –the fake news doesn’t just belong to CNN or MSNBC…have you ever taken a gander at news agencies that actually make up information hoping something will stick?  YourNewsWire comes to mind.  I won’t even give you a link to it.

Anyway, here goes…..this will be ongoing because I’m kind of busy but want to get some good links out to you, especially after the release of the memo today. Lots of good commentary on the topic.


Dan Bongino: The man has been on the inside, he’s run for office, he is brilliant and he loves America.

Tracy Beanz:  Her passion has become her life’s work.  She is tireless and she’s determined to put news out that has been researched and referenced.  She would rather be right than first.  (something the MSM should start practicing).  She’s also a regular on the Hagmann Report.

The Hagmann Report: The father & son detective duo who like to delve into the real issues using their investigative abilities.

The Liberty Hangout:  Up-to-date news always on point. Honest and liberty minded.  Ron Paul Revolutionaries.

SGT Report:  Great Writers, accurate, up-to-date and interesting content.

Judicial Watch:  Tom Fitton, the hardest working man in America, gives you minute by minute news and truth while keeping an eye on everyone in government –and goes all the way to doing something about it making sure to have justice for all!

Jon Rappaport: Investigative Reporter for over 30 years he delves into the matrix and he’s usually right about what he finds.









We’ll be Draining the Swamp in 2018…One Candidate At A Time…











I’ve been thinking about spotlighting some interesting candidates running against “Swamp Monsters”.  I closed Liberty Candidates  in 2014 because people had grown apathetic and it was probably because most of the Liberty Candidates were running Libertarian and no one ever won.  We never got a Senator or Congressman elected that ran in the Libertarian Party and people didn’t want to donate to those doing a dress-rehearsal for office.

But things have changed, and his name is Donald J. Trump…. and against all odds he woke up a nation on the brink of globalism and they were able to push back a government that was ready to charge them money for breathing or expelling gas…. AND against all odds, candidates running as “Deplorables” all over the country started winning Primaries and Senate and Congressional and State Seats….. the clouds started to part and the sun started to peek through….

And Then Austin Petersen said he was running as a Republican.  Augustus Invictus switched parties.  Omar Navarro stepped up to run against Maxine Waters….. and Shiva Ayyadurai, a Liberty loving Republican and the inventor of email, stated he was a “real Indian” running against “fake Indian” Elizabeth Warren.

So what is happening here?  Ordinary citizens who believe they can do what was, until recently unobtainable, are running for office and they’re actually running against the Liberal Elite.  They’re running to win because we’ve seen this happen since Trump was elected with people like Karen Handle who won against all odds and big money Liberals in Georgia.  There were also wins in Kansas with Rob Estes, Montana with Greg Gianforte, and South Carolina with Ralph Norman.  The sun is not just peeking through it’s beginning to shine!

These new Republicans are aware of the deep state, fake media, John McCain and human trafficking. They’re aware of socialist trying to take over the government, Obama and his shadow government and the cost of war. They’re aware that socialized medicine is not the way and that we can’t keep spending…..  It’s not perfect. No, it’s not the Ron Paul Revolution …but it’s a good start and it’s happening now.

We see what’s happening in the House and we know that people like Rand Paul and Thomas Massie and Mike Lee  need help.  They’re not perfect either but they are certainly going to hold our President’s feet to the fire.  We need more of that and less drowning our President in fake news and made up narratives because the left has not gotten their way and it’s looking like a never-ending battle for them and they’re losing elections….

So what of the Libertarian Party?  There is no place for people to run in this party of dress-rehearsal if we want to take our country back or make it great again…. The party that blows its wad every 4 years on some Presidential Candidate with no chance of winning –even compromises itself by choosing a candidate who goes against Libertarian Principles for 5%…..yet they never take the time or use their resources to help candidates who are running for the House or State Seats…..

So we’re looking for Winners. They’re looking for people who are running on a platform of limited government once again but whom actually WANT TO WIN!

Looks like Some interesting races are already in the works…..We’re going to be putting some in the spotlight because we don’t want to drain the swamp with more Swamp Monsters…..We’d like to see some new contenders step up and make waves.  Deplorables and Liberty Minded Individuals running as Republicans against those who NEED TO GO.

Stay tuned…

Let me know if you’re a Deplorable or you know of a candidate who is  looking to Drain the Swamp.  Lets work together and help get the job done.










Gigi Bowman, Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Clean Food

“Be The Media” Episode 3 Tonight at 8:00 PM with Special Guest Dottie Nelson….Down The Rabbit Hole We Go…


Tracy Diaz, Gigi Bowman & Jenny Lee LaVertu return tonight for the first episode of the New Year 2017!

Tonight on “Be The Media”, we will be discussing all things “conspiracy” or in other words….the REAL NEWS!  Join us at 8:00 PM with special guest Dottie Nelson

Down the Rabbit Hole We go…..


Live Show will begin at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. Click Here

Tracy Diaz & Gigi Bowman “BE THE MEDIA” Live talk show with a better View – Tonight’s Guest: Jenny Lee LaVertu


Be The Media LIVE (Live link) at 8:30 PM Eastern Time

We had such a great time last week, we are back at it again! Join us for an hour of shenanigans, drinks, current events, and fun! We will be talking about Julian Assange, Wikileaks, pedogate, the election drama, and more, and taking your questions!!



False Flags, Fake News and the Death of the 1st Amendment

In the last week we had a “shooter” at a pizza place being investigated by the people on social media –and we investigate because we see the dots and we connect them….why? Because we don’t see the media or journalist doing this or even talking about it. We haven’t even seen journalist go through Wikileaks or discuss them…. the only Wikileaks investigations have been by the people for the people. There have been some serious allegations and the amount of circumstantial evidence is overwhelming so by putting our heads together we take matters into our own hands and we connect dots.  This is nothing new…we’ve had to do this for many incidents that have happened in the USA including the shootings of Kennedy, his brother and Martin Luther King. We do this with how wars are started when we find out that we were lied to about weapons of mass destruction. We do this when 3 buildings come down and they only talk about 2 and we are told that it was done by 19 guys with box cutters and are told to shut up, sit still, be quiet.  But this is the United States of America and we are the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave!  So I have every right as a citizen to talk to people and to put my head together with my friends to figure things out…..  But now they want to stop that and our 1st Amendment is hanging by a thread because they have now labeled what we do, say and write –they have labeled any opinion but theirs “FAKE NEWS”
In the last day we have had another incident of a woman arrested for harassing a “Sandy Hook” parent.  They have labeled her the “Sandy Hook Denier” .   What are we to believe here?  Is this a big coincidence that in one week we have people being arrested for two incidents that The People of the United States of America have spent time discussing because they have been used to infringe on our Constitution? Because of what happened at Sandy Hook, which happened in the state right next to mine when I lived in New York, I ran for office. Why? Because days after Sandy Hook took place they rushed through an infringement on the 2nd Amendment called the NY Safe Act. So Sandy Hook truly affected us all in that state…..which is why there were so many citizen investigations. No one in the media seemed to be answering the questions and the more we watched the mainstream news, the less things seemed real. It was truly macabre what was happening.
A third incident now involves Megyn Kelly, a celebrinewswoman who says she’s received death threats and are saying a member of Trump’s transition team is partially responsible because through social media he sent a tweet which read “Megyn Kelly made a total fool out of herself tonight – attacking @realDonald Trump. Watch what happens to her after this election is over.”
So add this to the two shootings and suddenly there is a watchful eye all over social media and people are being shut down for trying to post YouTubes or information pertaining to anything related to what is suddenly deemed “fake news”.  And who gets to decide what “fake news” is?  Whatever the powers that be decide it is thereby infringing on the 1st Amendment.   This is beyond yelling “fire” in a movie theater. I’m pretty sure we all understand the difference before actually inciting riots and discussing our opinions on activity that directly affects our rights as citizens.
Shootings, Death Threats……they’ll show us, they’ll make sure this sort of thing doesn’t happen anymore!  They will take care of the problem!
Problem, Reaction, Solution….that’s how it works folks.  They call this sort of thing a False Flag and you can look them up throughout history.  They are a tool used to guide situations and they apparently work.  They are guiding our Constitution right out of existence.


SO we must stay vigilant.  When they shut us down we start up again somewhere else. Never forget that we are Americans and we came here so that the government wouldn’t push us around.  Today they are doing the pushing by using the media, corporations and the people we vote into office.

No no no…..we must not give in.  We have one another and we don’t need anything but the ability to put our heads together to figure out ways to fight back.  This doesn’t have to include anything more than continuing to fight back with pen in hand.

Remember the White Rose Society……. and let that be our inspiration.


I will leave you with this video of Alex Jones from a few weeks ago….He doesn’t have the answers and he’s quite honest about it. He has been harassed of late as being the leader of the “fake news”.  Support your “fake news” friends and citizen journalist.


Get the Real Fake News Right Here Folks! #PizzaGate #Swastikas & #Rugby

a 3T&G Production


Remember the 1st Amendment?  I’m pretty sure our children’s children will be saying this somewhere down the line….

Thanks to citizen investigators doing the job of the non-journalist who work for the “reel” news, we now need to have citizen investigators because the gloss and glitz of TV news and what they pass on the internet through video is no longer the “news”.  I mean, they couldn’t even figure out that their boss, Hillary Clinton, was going to lose the Election with all their polls and news stories and magazines printing the big win right up to the moment that their candle blew out.


Than along comes a list naming the “fake” news and blaming it for passing information that’s not real as compared to THEIR news…you know, like where they report on Swastika’s being spray painted in a park and blaming it on Trump supporters only to find out in the Fake-Real news that it was a black Democrat who did the spray job. But funny….I haven’t seen CNN or the “real” news post a retraction about blaming Trump supporters…or that this arrest even happened.  Go figure.  Step right up folk and get your real news right here at CNN lol


You just can’t make this stuff up folks.  Now I have to sit my children down on text messages and explain to them “kids, the real news is fake and the fake news is real and mom is tired because she was up all night reading the Wikileaks”.

So today I’m bringing you the “real” news as us investigative mommies have figured it out…..  (and where the fuck is Ben Swann?)

From a T (of 3T&G Productions lol):

This is in reference to this #pizzagate photo…..and us ladies of the ~middle of the night~ figuring out who it was….



Also Please check out these links from today:

FOOTIE PAEDO PROBE DEEPENS: 55 football clubs now named to police in connection with sexual abuse allegations

#PizzaGate Goes Global; UK Police Sweep Of Football Clubs



I want to begin by stating that we did ,indeed ,weigh other options before stating the opinion that the man in the photo was Michael Quinn. Another man , playing for a Washington Rugby team, has also been pointed out as a possibility as the gentleman on the right in the Instagram photo. I will not share the name of the Washington player as we’ve found no conviction of any type, most specifically none on child related felony charges. It is not our intention to incriminate someone who may be an innocent man photographed at the wrong place at the wrong time. Both men bear resemblance to the man in the photo. Quinn bears a very strong resemblance to the man in the photo. (please reference beard growth pattern)… This bickering over the identification has brought to light a problem that needs to be addressed. You are aware that this entire ‘investigation’ is based upon OPINION? It is our OPINION that there is more than meets the eye in what we refer to as #pizzagate. It is our OPINION that has lifted thousands of voices in protest against these involved in the wiki emails with words such as #pizza, #hotdog found in strange contexts. It is our OPINION that has us examining Alefantis’ Instagram and other social media. It was our collective OPINIONS that have had us voice accusations of pedophilia … Oh the irony … Is it now wrong to have an opinion if it doesn’t agree with another’s opinion of any given examination of the situation? It is our burden to relay information that allows others to examine what is presented and somehow establish possibilities to support our OPINIONS. The burden of proof rests upon this… So work toward PROVING your statement or ask yourselves EXACTLY what you are trying TO PROVE? Our EGOS aren’t going to imPROVE the situations of any innocent children who may be in danger at this very moment. If someone can bring me actual proof that the man in the photo is anyone other than Quinn, for example the Washington player wishes to contact me and state it’s him in the photo or Quinn issues a statement from prison denying this, then the only PROOF anyone has to offer is a photo and and an opinion…which is exactly what we offer. Looks like we have a Mexican standoff here and I’m not budging based on opinion. Bottom line : Quinn IS a convicted pedophile who attempted to procure a child in LA from a Federal agent in a sting, and Alefantis IS being viewed as one based on a long list of very disturbing circumstantial ‘evidence’ based on our researching this man. [ when I say our, I mean everyone researching this topic ] So if we all agree on Alefantis , then why are we wasting our time arguing pointlessly over a picture that could possibly add another pedophilia connection? Unless someone is attempting to clear a little mud off of Alefantis’ name by dismissing a possible connection with a known pedophile … Do not defend Quinn as not being the man in the photo by dragging another through the mud without any more proof than you state I have. That makes your argument invalid and slightly suspect… We are all looking for the truth. For once, as Hillary so often reminded us, we are truly ‘doing it for the children’. Please check your ego at the door. And #FREEJULIAN


From another T explaining the burden of proof:


And right now the G is trying to figure out with her three T’s, what the hell happened to the CAM across from Comet Ping Pong Pizza that suddenly went dark just before the #PizzaIncident?? Coincidence?

And did I read from one real-fake news source that the crazy #pizzagate shooter fired a shot and that he didn’t fire a shot? The bartender inside the pizza place didn’t see a gun (yet if one was fired….oh geez, forget it. This real news is hard to keep up with lol)

Make up your minds JOURNALIST….geez

Turns out the “shooter” is an actor more to come on this false flag I’m sure….


So if you want to know what’s real or fake, ask a mom today!  While we’re cleaning, taking care of kids, working three jobs and sewing buttons on our husband’s shirts while making a three course meal….we’re also investigating the Wikileaks and researching shards of info and putting together FACTS.   Got that BBC who had Jimmy Saville right under their newsprint while he raped women, children and dead people…but they couldn’t figure that out for 30 years…..  or could they?  Maybe sometimes when you’re part of the problem….you don’t investigate it –even when you’re the NEWssssssss

Hmmm and what of Breitbart calling out Podesta in that iphone video at CPAC right before he….well, you know.

Hey girls, where is that list of dead people? no, not the one of the holistic doctors…the one’s that were investigating Hillary and the DNC and child abductions….that list.

And where the hell are the McCann’s by the way???? Do we have to do that too?? hey girls….


I’ll leave you with this….hot off the press:

This Black Friday Turn the Liberal Boycott Around… #BuyTrump #GrabYourWalletBuyTrump #ShopIvanka

Apparently the women on the left –the crybaby generation –the WhaaIsMe Liberals –the HeSaidPussyWhoCaresIfHillaryAndHerFriendsArePedophiles
Are boycotting Ivanka Clothing.  They have a website dedicated to boycotting her line and a Twitter hashtag….but lo and behold now that they have done all the work we can turn this around!
UNboycott!  Use your pocketbooks ladies and SHOP SHOP SHOP Ivanka!  Her clothing is gorgeous, well made and quality.  Her clothing, handbags and shoes are affordable.  We can do this.  Black Friday is coming. Christmas is Coming to town. Holiday season is upon is.  What do you want for Christmas ladies?? #ShopIvanka!!!

Go to Your Twitter Account and #GrabYourWalletBuyTrump #BuyTrump #ShopIvanka


SHOP at the companies they tell you to Boycott and Boycott the companies where they tell you to shop.   Fight Fire with Your Pocketbook.

We can do this ladies!


Edited to Add:  I’ve just been informed of this commercial from Celebrity Cruise telling Trump supporters they are not Welcome.  Lets hope this capsizes their cruise lines.  Cruise elsewhere:


Edited again to Add:  ^ The video has been taken down. Hopefully Celebrity Cruise has received a lot of flack and a lot less customers.







Bye Bye Bye Libertarian Party

Gary Johnson sucks as the spokesperson for the Libertarian Party. ANYONE –even Tony the Tiger off the Cereal Box– could have gotten as much press as Johnson/Weld is getting because people are looking for alternatives from Hillary and Trump… selling the soul of the Libertarian party was a waste of time.
The left controlled media would have given time to ANY Libertarian candidate this year and pushed them in the limelight in hopes of taking votes away from Trump (meanwhile Gary is out there making excuses for Hillary hoping to cash in on Bernie voters –appease appease appease). The Never Trumpers like Bill Kristol and Jeb Bush and John Kasich would have given credibility to ANY Libertarian candidate and given them press where and when they could just because they didn’t want Trump… oh, and the William Weld thing?  That was an inside job for sure….just ask Bill Kristol who he’s voting for.
But I imagine ANYONE who ran would be doing a better job getting the message out in a more refined way. And I can only imagine how great it would have been had we had anyone but Gary.  Austin Petersen and Larry Sharpe would most likely have been a wow team getting as much if not more POSITIVE press with many more Libertarians behind them rather than this divided party we see today with facebook pages like “Gary Johnson is a Neocon Shill Who Sold Out the Party” or “Libertarians against Gary Johnson and William Weld”.   Had we given the nomination to John McAfee I’m sure we would not only had mega-press but most likely a whole new crew of Libertarians from the world of gamers and nerds!  We might have had Libertarian Pokemon!
In this volatile year having Gary Johnson as the Presidential Candidate was the biggest mistake ever. The stupidity of this choice in a time when the Libertarian Party could have prevailed in spreading its message AND WON rather than just trying to win by diluting the message was the biggest mistake the Libertarian Party has ever made.
What a waste of time. Energy. Money. Hard work. Effort on the part of the people who have tried to make this party grow based on the message of Liberty. Now it’s a joke. Now it’s the third evil choice.



Unlike many other people I know in the Liberty movement, I believe in voting. I believe that my voice is important and I have this one little vote to back it up.  Whether it’s actually counted or not I have no control over –though I have gone out of my way to make sure that it does by going out and collecting signatures for candidates when needed, by being a poll inspector and by being a poll watcher at different times in my life.  I’ve run for office. I’ve gone down to the BOE and counted votes. I’ve gone down the the Board of Elections and yelled. I’ve tried to walk the walk where I could.

In the last day though something has changed for me. I believe once again in the voting system. I believe that when ENOUGH people go out there and vote –whether it’s because they actually give a damn or because they are mad –either way, when ENOUGH people do it… may actually work?  I believe that happened with Donald Trump.  They tried to stop him but for whatever reason –whether it was what he was saying or the past 8 years of Obama or the fear of Hillary, he apparently brought about one of the highest voter counts in history and by a landslide, Trump won the nomination.  I’m shocked.  I said I would eat a hat if he got the nomination because I did not believe he would. I did not believe they would “let him have it”…..but with the highest voter turnout in history for a Republican Primary, Trump beat all odds to win the nomination.  He did it.  And I believe it happened because of the sheer number of voters. How can you steal that many unless you want to see some really angry voters!   How this will play out between the Democrats and Republicans in the elections in November is another story.  The Hillary camp are old school thieve masters and I don’t trust that this election will be fair.  In fact, I’m kind of scared it could turn into a civil war with all the divisiveness we have seen from the press it could only get worse I’m sure.

But anyway…..I’m going to be voting in this election and I’m going to be voting for Donald Trump.  Why?  Well, rather than give a grand statement I’m going to leave you with this speech from last night…..

Anyone who can bring up a child to be this smart, passionate, eloquent, down to earth, respectful and loving…..  can’t be all that bad.  And I can’t vote for a Libertarian Candidate with actual Libertarian values so this is my best choice.  Trump is a wild card and a gamble but I’d rather take my chances.

I endorse Stephen Ruth for NY State Senate


I endorse Stephen Ruth for NY State Senate. Someone has to do the job of schooling the criminals in office in NY State.  I, myself, ran for NY State Senate in 2014 and I learned quite a lot –how they go after you as soon as you step up to the plate and sue to get you off the ballot. The games they play to keep their cushy jobs and line themselves with taxpayer and lobbyist money for their campaigns.  They lie, they cheat and they steal over there in NY State –and all one has to do is read the local paper to see the usual suspects and the arrest that have taken place in the last few years since I ran.

It’s time to have real people take the bull by the horns in NY State. No more career politicians and good-ole-boys club.  Take back your state before you end up like me and get so pissed off that you leave it.  I left my parents and kids behind to get the hell out of NY State because the taxes keep raising and it’s no place to retire.  Every time you turn around a new law is created to take away more liberty and generate more income for the State and the criminal legislators.

Take your state back. Vote for Stephen Ruth for NY State Senate District 2. He’s got the guts to fight the system.  Someone that’s needed badly in NY State.

If this video doesn’t wake you up -nothing will.  You can’t keep doing the same thing over and over again because you’re going to destroy what’s left of that beautiful state.  Stop voting the same career politicians in and vote for a CITIZEN!


**and for heaven’s sake New Yorkers, help the guy collect signatures to get on the ballot –lets get him 20,000 signatures so those lying cheating bastards don’t have a leg to stand on trying to sue him off the ballot too.


Gigi Bowman, Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Clean Food


Libertarian Election Recap: Who Will I Vote For?

Lets Recap:
I voted for Trump in the Republican primary because I thought he would lose and I wanted to see a riot break out at the convention (although we still have no idea what tricks are up their sleeves in the Grand Old Prick Party). In the meantime I was steering people to the Libertarian party to vote for Johnson should people not get their choice on the right & the left (Bernie or Trump).
I was supporting Johnson until he decided to bring Weld on board. I don’t do CFR members.  Johnson making bad choices before getting his foot in the door makes him someone I believe is “not aware” and will compromise the Libertarian party away until it’s GOP light.
I endorsed Darryl Perry because he’s the most libertarian dude running for this job. He’s the smartest guy in the room and he deserves to be a contender.
I am now going to figure out who will get my 2nd Round vote SHOULD Darryl Perry not make it into the 2nd Round.
McAfee, Petersen and Johnson seem to be the three front runners but that could change. You just never know with these Libertarian Conventions….. I mean, Ron Paul could walk into the room and if that happens all bets are off and Paul it is.
But of the three front runners……
Why should I vote for any of them?
Pros: I like McAfee/Weiss, the Anarchist Team.  Weiss thinks outside the box and that’s something the Libertarian Party sorely needs and they have Tiffany Madison on their team and she appears to be a smart, tenacious go-getter –another thing lacking in the Libertarian Party. I hope if they don’t win, that they stay because THEY are the game changers. McAfee has cyber security and a libertarian lifestyle as his assets (although on Cyber security –if I was running for President I’d choose Gary S. Miliefsky, my favorite geek  He’ll be speaking at the Libertarian Convention –you should check him out.    I do believe that it’s important to have a President who can figure out how to send emails without bringing about WWIII 😉
Cons: I have asked McAfee/Weiss on their FB page where they stand on my two BIG issues -Big Pharma and GMO food (aka Corporatism). They have not answered. At this rate Janice McAfee is who I would vote for because she seems to be on the right side of my issues. As a facebook friend I see what she’s sharing and I like it.  The con’s going around are they say he’s too radical and “too libertarian” lol…..  What happened to principle over party?
Not enough executive experience.
Pros: He’s young. He’s got a lot of tenacity.  He’s got the look.  He speaks fluent politico. He has Judge Napolitano.  He comes from The Ron Paul reVOlution so he’s aware….
He’s got Tony Stiles (wait, does anyone know that besides me? –is he utilizing this guy enough??). He has endorsements with big names –so what if they’re responsible for crimes against humanity lol

Cons: Petersen and I have had our moments in this Love/ Hate relationship. I think he’s responsible for bringing a lot of the DICKY Libertarians into the Party aka Skeptical Libertarians. He’s turned off a considerable amount of people over the years.  He assures me that he’s NOT for herd immunity or forcing me to eat what I don’t want to eat. That doesn’t really “go there” –it just skirts the issue and appeases me. I don’t want to be appeased. I want action. Tell the mother fuckers at Monsanto and Syngenta to get the fuck out of bed with our Government. That’s what I want to hear. No one is telling me this or is even aware of what I’m aware of (and keep those fucking Libertarians for GMO’s and Vaccines away from me at the Convention because I have A BIG FRIGGEN BODY GUARD DAMMIT).


Pros: Gary Johnson has executive experience as an x-Governor.  He is aware of GMO food –although he thinks it’s a gluten problem. (he has Celiac disease) –so I can’t say that he’s aware of the Corporatism in this country because he has never talked about it other than wanting to label GMO food because he has this gluten problem.   See, he wants to know what he’s eating so he doesn’t end up in pain, and I get that, but I don’t give a shit about labeling food…I want to sever the ties between these Corporatist behemoths who have destroyed our food system, water, soil, air with their toxins and who are killing us with their medication –which I might add is ending up in our water system as well.  I want him to dig deeper into what he just touches on.

Cons:  William Weld and bad choices as I’ve relayed above.  Debt from his last campaign.  Wishy-washy debater. Seems like he is smoking away his business every time I see him in person.

So who should get my second vote? Give me good reasons knowing what my issues are –Well, besides the deficit, our “war” problem and the biggest problem I see on the horizon GLOBALISM. Whose gonna stop that?  William Weld, Mr. CFR, NAU Chairperson? HELL NO I’M NOT VOTING FOR HIM! And don’t ask me about VP because I don’t know –I like so many…that’s my tough one….
See you at the Convention Libertarian peeps.   Can’t wait to see all of you!  (well except for those dicks I talked about, Skeptical Libertarians,  and you can keep Mr. Herd Immunity himself, Penn Gillette away from me if he’s there –and that other GMO loving “we need to feed the world”,  John Stossel –considering what he’s going through physically it would do him well to stop eating herbicides and pesticides, ya think??

So here is my ultimatum:  If William Weld gets the nomination for VP I will walk out of the room and away from the Party and burn my newly acquired Libertarian Voters Registration. (which I was able to get in my new home of Florida where the Libertarian Party has ballot access)

Love me or Hate me….i’m gonna be there and I have a vote 🙂


Gigi Bowman, Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Clean Food


And the Endorsement Goes to…..

principle ross

In the beginning of the election season, 2016, I promised to eat my hat if Trump got the nomination (I still might end up having to do this) and I tried to guide people to the Libertarian party should the right and the left see that their candidates of choice did not get the nod.  Since it appeared that Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump were acquiring the “popular vote”, and I know that this doesn’t necessarily garner one the nomination because, as the saying goes,  the Democrat and Republican Parties don’t elect a President they select ….. and I hadn’t seen Bernie or Trump show up at the Bilderberg meeting lol (it’s not really funny),  but I digress….

You see, I made a plea a few month’s back that if their candidate of choice did not get the nomination because the media behind the GOP and Democrat parties kept referencing “Stealing the Election”,  that they should look to the Libertarian party because it had ballot access in 50 states and that it had a candidate who had run in the past, Gary Johnson, who was an upstanding candidate and someone worth looking into and switching gears for……  only, I’ve changed my mind.

I can’t, I just can’t…..  apparently Gary Johnson picked a CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] VP running mate, William Weld, and this makes a big difference to me.  If this is a choice you make for a running mate how can I trust any of your future choices? I learned a long time ago from my Presidential Candidate of choice, Ron Paul, that the Council on Foreign Relations stood for Big Global Government and as I see our American Sovereignty heading in that direction, the last thing I expected was to see the Libertarian Party jumping on the Globalist bandwagon.  That is what VP Candidate, William Weld, represents to me.

SO after much thought and consideration I’ve decided to go back to the beginning and to me, that always meant Principal over Party –and If I’m going to stand by this adage that represented everything I stood for as the creator of “LibertyCandidates” then I ought to stop playing politics and picking people based on who I believe people will vote for and instead stand behind the candidate that represents Liberty personified –and that person, whom I am endorsing for the Libertarian Nomination as Presidential Candidate is Darryl Perry.

Darryl was our Liberty Candidate for 2016 President before I closed up shop on LibertyCandidates back in 2014 due to apathy. Darryl knew back then that he wanted to step up and carry the torch to have his message heard– and he followed through.  Listening to debates and interviews the last few days since becoming a Libertarian Delegate –which I am taking very seriously– I’ve decided to take the high road and endorse the candidate who I feel personifies what the Libertarian Party was built upon and should stand for.

Darryl Perry for 2016 Libertarian Presidential Nomination.

That is all.


Gigi Bowman, Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Clean Food

What We Can Expect with a Hillary Presidency


I haven’t put this out there in awhile. It was written by a brilliant woman and her daughter who I can no longer talk to because she basically just became too angry. I understand her anger, I just can’t deal when you have absolutely no optimism somewhere in your soul –though I do not blame her.

THIS is the document she wrote (Part I is called “What is the Hegelian Dialectic” –and if you don’t know this then google it.) and it made me cry the first time I read it because I saw no hope either.

I’m optimistic by nature but I’m really at the end of my rope because it scares the hell out of me that what all these monsters have been heading towards may finally come to culmination…… with a Hillary Presidency.

Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030, is the endgame and THIS document which was painstakingly researched as it was written shows what is behind everything going on…..including Common Core education and our militaristic police force, smart growth, smart meters, GMO food and everything GLOBAL and for the “greater good” including vaccines….


If this doesn’t scare the hell out of you…nothing else will.

Read this as well UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism

Cruz Sex Scandal Gets No News While It’s All A-Twitter

Searching Google…..looks like on March 2nd this was “looming”.  According to this article in The Political Insider “The Stop Trump PAC” was a-twitter at that time about a sex scandal involving Katrina Pierson and Ted Cruz……  Makes you wonder, who is behind the StopTrumpPac if it was going to destroy Cruz and not Trump?Ted_Cruz_s_Sex_Scandal

It’s 10:00 AM and not one word of this break-out-news from Twitter has gone mainstream.  #CruzSexScandal keeps getting knocked off the Twitter list (even though it’s the biggest news on the Twitter list) and the only news agencies on this scandal are “Gawker” and “Conservative Outfitter“.  Meanwhile this is all from a story printed 2 DAYS AGO in the National Enquirer!  How then, did it come to a head today on twitter?  And is it true?  Apparently some of the women involved have disappeared off the grid of social media…

Things that make you go Hmmmmmm


One of the interesting thing here is that one of the women he allegedly slept with is Carly Fiorina’s campaign manager, Sarah Isgur Flores, and the question of “Why did Ted Cruz’s affiliated SuperPAC, Keep The Promise,  donate $500,000 to the Carly Fiorina campaign?”



Update*  10:30 and not a hint of this news in the mainstream media

Update*  11:00 am and not a thing in the mainstream news on the #CruzSexScandal….
So is it safe to say that Cruz is an insider? That the news is owned by the people in his playground? (See his connection to Bush).  Suffice to say had this been Donald Trump or Gary Johnson or anyone else running for office that is not part of the cabal….it would be all over the mainstream news.



Gigi Bowman, Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Clean Food


Does Hillary Clinton Have LaVoy Finicum’s Blood on Her Hands?

Yesterday we uncovered the slime bucket that is Ted Cruz, today it’s Hillary’s Turn.

She’s got a lot of blood spread between those fingers of hers, but I bet you never guessed she was the set of hands behind the death of LaVoy Finicum….

From team WGSD comes this compelling proof that Hillary should not be President, she should be locked away in jail before anymore people die by her sword.

With one swoop of a pen the bitch sold out the American people and one fifth of Americas uranium resources to the Russians. The deal was essentially brokered by Hillary and was ran through the Clinton Foundation using Canadian backed contributions as a cover. And you’d better believe that Dirty Harry Reid has his hands all over it. What does THAT have to do with the assassination of LaVoy Finicum?!
~Shannon Albrecht



We did the research for you… you check it out.  Team Work:

Resources: on and near

State of Oregon USGS

Investopedia  Daily Courier Colorado Independent

Billionaire Frank and Bill fly to Kazakhstan and meet with the President, Nursultan Nazarbayev

ARMZ was bought out by Rosatom

Was LaVoy killed for exposing the NGO power grid?







Gigi Bowman, Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Clean Food


Donald Trump to Expose Cruz’s Wife? Let me Help….

I was out getting drunk on Taco Tuesday last night….and boy, what did I wake up to?? Trump and Hillary take Arizona, Bernie and Cruz take Utah ……and the realization that the North American Union is the ultimate goal because Trump finally said (after a nude photo of his wife surfaces), that he will exposes Cruz’s wife and I’m like YEE HA!

Thank you to the nude photo exposing asses who thought this would bring Trump down –if nothing else…this will EXPOSE the bullshit to a new host of people!

You see, CRUZ IS THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE….he was put in to further the NAU. North American Union.  His wife is CFR….she worked for BUSH. This has been in the works for a very long time….

Ron Paul Supporters, Time To Get To Work! Trump Just Gave You A Bigger Audience!

Who told us about this?? RON PAUL, that’s who! And who did they NOT WANT NEAR THE WHITE HOUSE so they changed the rules? RON PAUL! And now here comes Trump….exposing the crap that’s been brewing under the surface for a long long time….

And you got people like Vincente Fox saying esentially, “FUCK TRUMP” lol –what’s it his business?


This is too good 🙂

See who’s name is on this Council on Foreign Relations Task Force concerning the NAU?????

HEIDI S. CRUZ is an energy investment banker with Merrill Lynch in Houston, Texas. She served in the Bush White House under Dr. Condoleezza Rice as the Economic Director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council, as the Director of the Latin America Office at the U.S. Treasury Department, and as Special Assistant to Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick, U.S. Trade Representative. Prior to government service, Ms. Cruz was an investment banker with J.P. Morgan in New York City.

**Oh, and for the record, Condoleezza Rice is another name that was brought up to give the GOP nomination to at a brokered convention

**And who endorsed Cruz recently? Jeb BUSH

Watch this video:

Ron Paul supporters…now is the time to spread your knowledge and help people connect the dots. Stop fighting about Trump and be happy that, if nothing else, he has given us a wider audience who can now see what we’ve known.

This year is the year that the dots are finally becoming apparent.

THE NAU is the ultimate first step to Globalism…… and it’s in the works. STOP IT!!!

Start to Connect These Dots:
Cruz, Bush, Finicum and the BLM, CFR, TPP, Cruz’s wife, Vincente Fox, Trudeau, Rule changes to stop Paul and now Trump (a nationalist) at the GOP, Globalism, Hillary, Condoleesa Rice, Jeb Bush……


Please click these links to find out more information and pass it on as you understand it:

Ron Paul Explains CFR, North American Union and Threat to US Constitution

Council on Foreign Relations Task Force (which Heidi Cruz Signed Off On): Building a North American Union

Trump Threatens North American Union Scheme

History of the Council of Foreign Relations by James Perloff

Vincente Fox on Trump

Ted and Heidi Cruz and the North American Union

Hillary Attends North American Union Meeting

The North American Leaders Summit:  Obama

NAU At Work

Shadow Ring (you might want to view this film)

North American Dream, Theirs Not Ours 

The NAFTA Super Highway by Ron Paul

The Truth About Ted Cruz by Stefan Molyneux

What Every Voter Should Know About Ted Cruz – Next News Network


Just google…’s important for the future of our children

Thank you for listening,






Gigi Bowman, Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Clean Food